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RRID:SCR_003261 RRID Copied      
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Rat Gene Symbol Tracker (RRID:SCR_003261)
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URL: http://ratmap.gen.gu.se/

Proper Citation: Rat Gene Symbol Tracker (RRID:SCR_003261)

Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE, documented May 10, 2017. A pilot effort that has developed a centralized, web-based biospecimen locator that presents biospecimens collected and stored at participating Arizona hospitals and biospecimen banks, which are available for acquisition and use by researchers. Researchers may use this site to browse, search and request biospecimens to use in qualified studies. The development of the ABL was guided by the Arizona Biospecimen Consortium (ABC), a consortium of hospitals and medical centers in the Phoenix area, and is now being piloted by this Consortium under the direction of ABRC. You may browse by type (cells, fluid, molecular, tissue) or disease. Common data elements decided by the ABC Standards Committee, based on data elements on the National Cancer Institute''s (NCI''s) Common Biorepository Model (CBM), are displayed. These describe the minimum set of data elements that the NCI determined were most important for a researcher to see about a biospecimen. The ABL currently does not display information on whether or not clinical data is available to accompany the biospecimens. However, a requester has the ability to solicit clinical data in the request. Once a request is approved, the biospecimen provider will contact the requester to discuss the request (and the requester''s questions) before finalizing the invoice and shipment. The ABL is available to the public to browse. In order to request biospecimens from the ABL, the researcher will be required to submit the requested required information. Upon submission of the information, shipment of the requested biospecimen(s) will be dependent on the scientific and institutional review approval. Account required. Registration is open to everyone., documented September 2, 2016. Database for defining official rat gene symbols. It includes rat gene symbols from three major sources: the Rat Genome Database (RGD), Ensembl, and NCBI-Gene. All rat symbols are compared with official symbols from orthologous human genes as specified by the Human Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC). Based on the outcome of the comparisons, a rat gene symbol may be selected. Rat symbols that do not match a human ortholog undergo a strict procedure of comparisons between the different rat gene sources as well as with the Mouse Genome Database (MGD). For each rat gene this procedure results in an unambiguous gene designation. The designation is presented as a status level that accompanies every rat gene symbol suggested in the database. The status level describes both how a rat symbol was selected, and its validity. Rat Gene Symbol Tracker approves rat gene symbols by an automatic procedure. The rat genes are presented with links to RGD, Ensembl, NCBI Gene, MGI and HGNC. RGST ensures that each acclaimed rat gene symbol is unique and follows the guidelines given by the RGNC. To each symbol a status level associated, describing the gene naming process.

Abbreviations: RGST

Synonyms: RGST (Rat Gene Symbol Tracker), RGST - Rat Gene Symbol Tracker

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:18215257

Keywords: gene, orthology, naming, gene symbol, nomenclature, human, mouse

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