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Toolbox at the European Bioinformatics Institute (RRID:SCR_002872)
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URL: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/

Proper Citation: Toolbox at the European Bioinformatics Institute (RRID:SCR_002872)

Description: The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) toolbox area provides a comprehensive range of tools for the field of bioinformatics. These are subdivided into categories in the left menu for convenience. EBI has developed a large number of very useful bioinformatics tools. A few examples include: - Similarity & Homology - the BLAST or FASTA programs can be used to look for sequence similarity and infer homology. - Protein Functional Analysis - InterProScan can be used to search for motifs in your protein sequence. - Proteomic Services NEW - UniProt DAS server allows researchers to show their research results in the context of UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot annotation. - Sequence Analysis - ClustalW2 a sequence alignment tool. - Structural Analysis - MSDfold can be used to query your protein structure and compare it to those in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). - Web Services - provide programmatic access to the various databases and retrieval/analysis services EBI provides. - Tools Miscellaneous - Expression Profiler a set of tools for clustering, analysis and visualization of gene expression and other genomic data. Sponsors: This resource is sponsored by EBI.

Synonyms: EBI Bioinformatics Tools

Resource Type: software resource, software toolkit

Keywords: expression, functional, gene, bioinformatics, database, genomic, homology, protein, proteomic, sequence, structural, toolbox

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European Bioinformatics Institute

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