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RRID:SCR_002804 RRID Copied      
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GenProtEC (RRID:SCR_002804)
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URL: http://genprotec.mbl.edu

Proper Citation: GenProtEC (RRID:SCR_002804)

Description: GenProtEC is dedicated to the functions encoded by the Escherichia coli K-12 (strain MG1655) genome defined in the GenBank Accession No. NC_000913.2 deposit. All the data presented in GenProtEC is made easily accessible to the users through downloadable flat files in text format. GenProtEC presents information on the functions of E.coli K-12 MG1655 gene products from several points of view. E.coli proteins as single modules have been grouped in sequence similarity. Using the power of group membership of proteins of similar function, open reading frames within any group can be assigned the general function. In addition, the presence of domains of known function within E.coli proteins has been determined. Domain content permits annotation of some functional information to otherwise totally unknown sequences. The rich classification of cellular roles, MultiFun, has been applied, underlining the fact that many gene products have more than one cellular role. Our annotation work includes multiple types of information: 1. Sequence similarity to orthologues as defined by Darwin (start and end of aligned region, identity, and PAM distance). 2. Resolution of fused proteins into modular units with independent functions. 3. Identification of sequence similar protein groups within E. coli that are clustered by transitive relationships. The sequence similarity is limited to PAM 200 and an alignment of at least 83 amino acids. 4. Updated literature references. 5. Classification of gene products by their gene type and by their cellular role(s). The MultiFun classification system for cellular roles is used to assign gene products to one or more roles. MultiFun has been converted to Gene Ontology terms. 6. Familes of proteins related by structure and biochemical reaction mechanisms (work in progress). 7. SCOP superfamily identification and location (e.g. binding site domains) for E. coli proteins.

Abbreviations: GenProtEC

Synonyms: GenProtEC - E. coli genome and proteome database, GenProtEC- E. coli Genome and Proteome Database

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:14681418

Keywords: e. coli, escherichia coli, escherichia coli k-12, bacterial genome

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