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RRID:SCR_002694 RRID Copied      
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FlyMine (RRID:SCR_002694)
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URL: http://www.flymine.org/

Proper Citation: FlyMine (RRID:SCR_002694)

Description: An integrated database of genomic, expression and protein data for Drosophila, Anopheles, C. elegans and other organisms. You can run flexible queries, export results and analyze lists of data. FlyMine presents data in categories, with each providing information on a particular type of data (for example Gene Expression or Protein Interactions). Template queries, as well as the QueryBuilder itself, allow you to perform searches that span data from more than one category. Advanced users can use a flexible query interface to construct their own data mining queries across the multiple integrated data sources, to modify existing template queries or to create your own template queries. Access our FlyMine data via our Application Programming Interface (API). We provide client libraries in the following languages: Perl, Python, Ruby and & Java API

Abbreviations: FlyMine

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, data access protocol, production service resource, database, software resource, web service, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:17615057

Keywords: anopheles, genome, c. elegans, drosophila, gene, chromosomal location, genomics, proteomics, gene expression, interaction, homology, function, regulation, protein, phenotype, pathway, disease, publication, FASEB list

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University of Cambridge; Cambridge; United Kingdom

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