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RRID:SCR_002145 RRID Copied      
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NeuroMorpho.Org (RRID:SCR_002145)
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URL: http://neuromorpho.org/index.jsp

Proper Citation: NeuroMorpho.Org (RRID:SCR_002145)

Description: Centrally curated inventory of digitally reconstructed neurons associated with peer-reviewed publications that contains some of the most complete axonal arborizations digitally available in the community. Each neuron is represented by a unique identifier, general information (metadata), the original and standardized ASCII files of the digital morphological reconstruction, and a set of morphometric features. It contains contributions from over 100 laboratories worldwide and is continuously updated as new morphological reconstructions are collected, published, and shared. Users may browse by species, brain region, cell type or lab name. Users can also download morphological reconstructions for research and analysis. Deposition and distribution of reconstruction files ultimately prevents data loss. Centralized curation and annotation aims at minimizing the effort required by data owners while ensuring a unified format. It also provides a one-stop entry point for all available reconstructions, thus maximizing data visibility and impact.

Synonyms: Neuro Morpho, NeuroMorpho.org, NeuroMorpho

Resource Type: storage service resource, database, service resource, data or information resource, data repository

Defining Citation: PMID:17728438, PMID:16552417, PMID:18949582

Keywords: neuron, morphological reconstruction, morphometry, axonal arborization, digital neuronal reconstruction, neuronal reconstruction, neuronal morphology, data sharing, annotation, brain region, neocortex, digital reconstruction, neurogenetics, neurochemistry, neuroscience, neurology, FASEB list

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