Proper Citation: MouseCyc (RRID:SCR_001791)
Description: A manually curated database of both known and predicted metabolic pathways for the laboratory mouse. It has been integrated with genetic and genomic data for the laboratory mouse available from the Mouse Genome Informatics database and with pathway data from other organisms, including human. The database records for 1,060 genes in Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) are linked directly to 294 pathways with 1,790 compounds and 1,122 enzymatic reactions in MouseCyc. (Aug. 2013) BLAST and other tools are available. The initial focus for the development of MouseCyc is on metabolism and includes such cell level processes as biosynthesis, degradation, energy production, and detoxification. MouseCyc differs from existing pathway databases and software tools because of the extent to which the pathway information in MouseCyc is integrated with the wealth of biological knowledge for the laboratory mouse that is available from the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database.
Abbreviations: MouseCyc
Synonyms: MouseCyc database, Mouse Genome Informatics: MouseCyc database
Resource Type: production service resource, database, analysis service resource, data or information resource, data analysis service, service resource
Defining Citation: PMID:19682380
Keywords: energy production, biosynthesis, cell, cellular, degradation, detoxification, metabolism, mouse, physiological, enzymatic reaction, gene, disease, genome, metabolic pathway, pathway, compound, enzymatic reaction, protein, rna, reaction, blast, human, mammal, genetic, genomic
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