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RRID:SCR_001756 RRID Copied      
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MUlti SImulation Coordinator (RRID:SCR_001756)
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URL: http://www.incf.org/programs/modeling/music

Proper Citation: MUlti SImulation Coordinator (RRID:SCR_001756)

Description: Software that allows large scale neuron simulators to communicate during runtime. It allows exchange of data among parallel applications in a cluster environment, interconnects large-scale neuronal network simulators with each other or with other tools, participates in multi-simulations, and is continuously developed and extended. Three simulators currently have MUSIC interfaces: Moose, NEURON and NEST. Three applications execute in parallel while exchanging data via MUSIC. The software interface promotes interoperability by allowing models written for different simulators to be simulated together in a larger system. It enables re-usability of models or tools by providing a standard interface. As data are distributed over a number of processors, it is non-trivial to coordinate data transfer so that it reaches the correct destination at the correct time. Current and future simulators can make use of MUSIC - compliant general purpose tools and participate in multi-simulations, for example when: * Different parts of a complex nervous system model are optimally implemented in different simulators, and need to communicate with each other. * Post-processing of generated data is needed, where the amounts of data are too large for intermediate storage, and requires the simulator to pass the data directly to the post-processing module. A standard interface enables straight-forward independent third-party development and community sharing of interoperable software tools for parallel processing. * Library and utilities are written in C++, uses MPI. * It is possible to add a MUSIC interface to existing simulators. * Works independently, no assumptions are made about other applications to facilitate development of general purpose tools. * Performance Data transport with high bandwidth and low latency.

Abbreviations: MUSIC

Synonyms: INCF MUSIC simulator

Resource Type: simulation software, software application, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:20195795

Keywords: modeling, multi-simulation, nervous system, network, neural, parallel processing, simulator, simulation

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