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RRID:SCR_001672 RRID Copied      
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ATCC (RRID:SCR_001672)
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URL: http://www.atcc.org/

Proper Citation: ATCC (RRID:SCR_001672)

Description: Global nonprofit biological resource center (BRC) and research organization that provides biological products, technical services and educational programs to private industry, government and academic organizations. Its mission is to acquire, authenticate, preserve, develop and distribute biological materials, information, technology, intellectual property and standards for the advancement and application of scientific knowledge. The primary purpose of ATCC is to use its resources and experience as a BRC to become the world leader in standard biological reference materials management, intellectual property resource management and translational research as applied to biomaterial development, standardization and certification. ATCC characterizes cell lines, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa, as well as develops and evaluates assays and techniques for validating research resources and preserving and distributing biological materials to the public and private sector research communities.

Abbreviations: ATCC

Synonyms: ATCC: The Global Bioresource Center, American Type Culture Collection, ATCC(dna), ATCC(in host)

Resource Type: commercial organization

Keywords: biomaterial, cell line, culture, microorganism, proteomics, protozoa, tissue, bacteria, virus, fungus, standardization, molecular genomics, reagent, yeast, microbial culture, stem cell, dna, FASEB list

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