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RRID:SCR_005709 RRID Copied      
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GeneMANIA (RRID:SCR_005709)
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URL: http://genemania.org/

Proper Citation: GeneMANIA (RRID:SCR_005709)

Description: Data analysis service to predict the function of your favorite genes and gene sets. Indexing 1,421 association networks containing 266,984,699 interactions mapped to 155,238 genes from 7 organisms. GeneMANIA interaction networks are available for download in plain text format. GeneMANIA finds other genes that are related to a set of input genes, using a very large set of functional association data. Association data include protein and genetic interactions, pathways, co-expression, co-localization and protein domain similarity. You can use GeneMANIA to find new members of a pathway or complex, find additional genes you may have missed in your screen or find new genes with a specific function, such as protein kinases. Your question is defined by the set of genes you input. If members of your gene list make up a protein complex, GeneMANIA will return more potential members of the protein complex. If you enter a gene list, GeneMANIA will return connections between your genes, within the selected datasets. GeneMANIA suggests annotations for genes based on Gene Ontology term enrichment of highly interacting genes with the gene of interest. GeneMANIA is also a gene recommendation system. GeneMANIA is also accessible via a Cytoscape plugin, designed for power users. Platform: Online tool, Windows compatible, Mac OS X compatible, Linux compatible, Unix compatible

Abbreviations: GeneMANIA

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, production service resource, database, software resource, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:20576703, PMID:18613948, PMID:20926419

Keywords: gene, association data, protein interaction, genetic interaction, pathway, co-expression, co-localization, protein, software library, statistical analysis, term enrichment, analysis, browser, gene ontology, gene predicting, gene prioritization, database or data warehouse, other analysis, interaction browser, protein-protein interaction, interaction, FASEB list

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University of Toronto; Ontario; Canada

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