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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Biospecimen Processing Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021290)
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URL: https://bsp.web.unc.edu/

Proper Citation: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Biospecimen Processing Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021290)

Description: Centralized, quality controlled facility and biorepository for processing, storage and disbursement of human specimens.Offers high throughput processing of human biospecimens, with specific emphasis on DNA and RNA isolation and purification.Provides laboratory support for investigator initiated large scale clinical, epidemiologic, and other studies.Functions as human specimen biorepository resource for clinicians who wish to store and study samples from unusual or potentially important patients.Biorepository is managed by custom LIMS, with sample accessioning, tracking and audits at each step.Provides scientific resource for investigators seeking advice or consultation on study design including specimen collection and storage methods, and human subject issues. Core staff act as liaison to other UNC core facilities and outside collaborators.

Abbreviations: BSP, UNC BSP

Synonyms: UNC Biospecimen Processing Facility

Resource Type: access service resource, core facility, service resource

Keywords: USEDit, ABRF

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