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Northwestern University NUANCE BioCryo Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021288)
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URL: http://www.nuance.northwestern.edu/biocryo/index.html

Proper Citation: Northwestern University NUANCE BioCryo Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021288)

Description: Provides source for characterization of biological, soft matter, and hybrid samples with TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), and STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy) at cryogenic or at ambient temperature.Provide expertise and access to equipment for cryofixation and processing of frozen hydrated samples by high pressure freezing, plunge freezing, freeze fracturing, cryo ultramicrotomy, freeze substitution, and turbo freeze-drying. Conventional samples can be processed at ambient temperature with chemical fixation, dehydration, and resin embedding, or critical point drying. Offers EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) for elemental analysis.Offers training on instruments and sample preparation techniques.BioCryo staff mentors new users, advises on experimental design, and collaborates with researchers in experiments with challenging and unconventional samples.BioCryo Facility participates in numerous educational and outreach events, e.g. workshops, seminars, demos, and facility tours.

Synonyms: BioCryo Facility - part of NUANCE

Resource Type: access service resource, core facility, service resource

Keywords: USEDit, ABRF

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Northwestern University; Illinois; USA

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