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Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory Light Microscopy Core Facility (RRID:SCR_019166)
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URL: https://lmf.mdibl.org/

Proper Citation: Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory Light Microscopy Core Facility (RRID:SCR_019166)

Description: Core provides professional scientific expertise in light microscopy. Offers access to hardware and software as well as expert guidance at any step of imaging project, from experimental design to image analysis.Comprises eight microscope systems including two laser scanning confocal microscopes including one Olympus inverted confocal microscope system (FV1000) and one Zeiss inverted confocal microscope system (LSM-980) equipped with Airy scan 2 for super resolution and 2-photon technology for in-vivo deep imaging with temperature controlled chamber. One spinning disk confocal including Nikon inverted spinning disk microscope system with incubation chamber (Eclipse Ti with Yokogawa disk CSU-W1), two Zeiss widefield microscopes for brightfield and epifluorescence illumination (Zeiss Apotome and Zeiss Colibri), three macroscopes systems to observe large samples or complete model organisms in brightfield and epifluorescence including one Olympus stereomicroscope system (MVX10) and two Zeiss stereomicroscope systems (SteREO Discovery V12), fully automated and one AxioZoom V16 , fully automated with ApoTome attachment.

Abbreviations: LMF MDIBL

Synonyms: MDIBL Light Microscopy Facility, Light Microscopy Facility MDIBL

Resource Type: service resource, access service resource, core facility

Keywords: USEDit, light microscopy, imaging project, image analysis, experimental design, ABRF

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