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Sony Biotechnology SH800S Cell Sorter (RRID:SCR_018066)
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URL: https://www.sonybiotechnology.com/us/instruments/sh800s-cell-sorter/

Proper Citation: Sony Biotechnology SH800S Cell Sorter (RRID:SCR_018066)

Description: Benchtop cell sorter that sorts wide range of cell sizes for many applications using microfluidic sorting chips. Integrated with comprehensive fluidics controls and advanced automation for set-up, acquisition, sort and analysis. System software supports sorting into tubes and 96- and 384-well plates. Software generates FCS 3.0 and FCS 3.1 files that can be exported to third party analysis tools. For non-clinical research use only. For applications in which cross-contamination is concern, optional e-beam sterilized consumables can be used to replace sample line and sorting chip. Optional class A2 Level II biosafety cabinet provides protection for personnel and products. Biosafety cabinet meets international standards.Optical design offers up to four collinear excitation lasers (488 nm, 405nm, 561nm and 638nm) and six fluorescence detectors. The six free-form PMTs enable detection of fluorescence signals from any laser based on filter selection.

Synonyms: SH800 cell sorter

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: ABRF, benchtop cell sorter, instrument, Sony Biotechnology, equipment

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