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Virginia Tech Biocomplexity Institute Genomics Sequencing Center Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017958)
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URL: https://www.bi.vt.edu/services/genomics-sequencing-center

Proper Citation: Virginia Tech Biocomplexity Institute Genomics Sequencing Center Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017958)

Description: Core for development and application of Next-Generation Sequencing technologies. Provides experimental design consultation, and genomic, transcriptomic, and functional-genomics services. Specializes in development and application of Next-Generation Sequencing technologies and bioinformatics analyses. Instruments include Illumina NovaSeq 6000, Illumina NextSeq 500,Illumina MiSeq,Thermo Ion S5. Services include mRNA-Seq: Stranded and non-stranded, high levels of multiplexing up to 96 or more samples on NovaSeq;Standard amounts, Stranded-Seq: 500 ng total RNA, RIN 8;Low Input amounts, Stranded-Seq: 5 ng to 100 ng total RNA;Ultra Low Input amounts, Non-Stranded-Seq: 1-1000 cells or 10 pg - 10 ng;Total RNA-Seq - Stranded: 5-250 ng;Small RNA-Seq: 1 ug, multiplexing up to 48 samples/NextSeq run;Partially degraded samples - Stranded and Non-Stranded: LCM, FFPE samples, both stranded and non-stranded, 50 -100 ng;Microbial rRNA depletion and RNA-Seq with amounts as low as 1-5 ug of total RNA;Whole Genome Sequencing;Human / Animal / Plant;Microbial;As low as 1 ng De novo Sequencing;Exome/Targeted capture re-sequencing: Enables high sequencing depths;Agilent and Illumina platforms;Human, Mouse, Canine and other species;Targeted re-sequencing: High levels of multiplexing up to 200 samples / MiSeq run;PCR Amplicon sequencing;Illumina and Agilent platforms;ChIP-Seq;Transcription factor analysis;Histone modifications;DNA Methylation;MeDIP- and MBD-Seq;MethylC-Seq;Agilent SureSelect MethylC-Seq;Nucleosome Mapping;FAIRE-Seq and DNAse I-Seq;16S / 18S / ITS amplicon sequencing;Whole Genome Metagenomic sequencing;Metatranscriptomic analysis;DNA/chromatin fragmentation by Covaris DNA / RNA quality analysis: BioAnalyzer / TapeStation assay, Qubit (Picogreen) assays;qPCR services.

Abbreviations: GSC

Synonyms: Genomics Sequencing Center

Resource Type: access service resource, core facility, service resource

Keywords: Genomic, sequencing, next, generation, design, consultation, transcriptomic, functional, service, analysis, DNA, RNA, PCR, qPCR, core, ABRF

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