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Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Translational MRI Research Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017950)
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URL: https://www.bidmc.org/research/research-by-department/radiology/mri-research/mri-facilities/translational-mri-research-core

Proper Citation: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Translational MRI Research Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017950)

Description: Core provides MRI capabilities for imaging human subjects and potentially large animals as part of research studies. Facility operates GE Discovery MR750 3T whole-body scanner and can provide access to 1.5T system. Scanner is FDA cleared for clinical use. It has proprietary software including pulse programming environments and reconstruction programs and customizable software and protocols for applications including functional and structural brain imaging, abdominal perfusion and diffusion, muscle functional imaging and spectroscopy are available to users.Support for fMRI acquisition and visual and auditory stimulus presentation, diffusion tensor imaging, spectroscopy, and high quality anatomic imaging is available. The system has specialized receiver coils for sensitive imaging of particular anatomy. Additional customized coils can be manufactured in our RF lab. The system also has full broadband capability for multinuclear MRI and MRS, including (F-19, C-13, P-31, and Na-23).Our facility can also provide Image Post-processing and computerized image transfer, assistance to ensure MRI equipment safety, and can facilitate Clinical Readings.

Synonyms: Translational MRI Research Core

Resource Type: service resource, core facility, access service resource

Keywords: MRI, imaging, human, animal, whole, body, scanner, clinical, functional, structural, brain, abdominal, perfusion, diffusion, muscle, MRS, service, core, ABRF

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