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Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Elemental Analysis Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017927)
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URL: http://www.chori.org/Services/Elemental_Analysis_Facility/elemental_analysis.html

Proper Citation: Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute Elemental Analysis Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017927)

Description: Core provides sample preparation, metal extraction, dissolved solids measurement, analytic consultation, and technical writing assistance) in support of wide range of clinical and biomedical research projects.Instruments include Agilent 5100 SVDV Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer, SPS3 Robotic Autosampler,MARS5 Microwave Sample Digestion Oven,ICPExpert Advanced Workstation.Analytic Capabilities:Simultaneous, multi-element quantitation over wide dynamic range;Broad elemental detection capability with high precision and sensitivity;Compatible with range of clinical, nutritional, basic research, and pharmaceutical samples;Tolerant of high total dissolved solids and complex matrix components;NIST-traceable calibrants, standards, and other QA/QC controls included in analyses.

Abbreviations: CHORI-EAF

Synonyms: Elemental Analysis Facility

Resource Type: access service resource, core facility, service resource

Keywords: Elemental, analysis, sample, preparation, metal, extraction, dissolved, solid, measurement, service, core, ABRF

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