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Chicago University Human Immunologic Monitoring Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017916)
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URL: https://him.uchicago.edu/

Proper Citation: Chicago University Human Immunologic Monitoring Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017916)

Description: Facility serves as specialized laboratory performing correlative assays for cancer-based clinical trials. Participates in project development to assist in assay selection and optimization prior to study initiation. Offers pick-up service for specimens from patients at U of C Hospital or outpatient clinics, and process samples as indicated for assays being performed. For some studies, isolation and freezing of peripheral blood lymphocytes for analysis at later date is performed, while for others immediate staining of whole blood for specific cell surface markers of interest is carried out. Prepares clinical grade products, such as peptide vaccines, for administration into patients.Assays performed include ELISA, ELISPOT, tetramer binding assays, detection of cell surface markers by flow cytometry, and biochemical assays such as Western Blots, RNA extraction from tumor biopsies and either real time RT-PCR for specific transcripts or preparation of samples for gene expression profiling. Facility is equipped with MACSQuant Flow Cytometer, ELISA microplate reader, ELISPOT reader, PCR thermocyclers, CO2 incubators, biosafety cabinets, centrifuges, and equipment for Western blot analysis. Performs assays on human samples but consideration will be given to expanding these services to mouse-model systems.

Abbreviations: HIM

Synonyms: Human Immunologic Monitoring Facility

Resource Type: access service resource, core facility, service resource

Keywords: Performing, correlative, assay, cancer, clinical, trial, peripheral, blood, lymphocyte, isolation, staining, whole, blood, cell, surface, marker, prepare, peptide, vaccine, ELISA, ELISPOT, tetramer, binding, assay, detection, cell, surface, marker, flow, cytometry, PCR, human, sample, mouse, model, system, service, core, ABRF

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