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Nemours/A.I.duPont Hospital for Children Cell Science Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017854)
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URL: https://my.ilabsolutions.com/service_center/show_external/4003

Proper Citation: Nemours/A.I.duPont Hospital for Children Cell Science Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017854)

Description: Core specializes in cell, protein, and small molecules analysis as well as cell culture techniques. Services include:2-D gel electrophoresis, 2-D DIGE, LC-MS/MS, HPLC, flow cytometry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), cell and tissue culture, and immortalization of cell lines. Our staff works closely with investigators to help design, perform, and analyze experiments.Offers training and assistance in flow cytometry, tissue culture, and operation many of our walk-up instruments.Instruments:Cell Sorter: FACS Aria III, BD Biosciences;Flow Cytometers, analyzers:C6, Accuri/BD Biosciences;Novocyte 3000, ACEA Biosciences;software for analysis: FSC Express, DeNovo software;LC-MS/MS: 6460 Triple Quadrupole, Agilent;Typhoon Trio Scanner, GE Lifesciences;Blood Analyzer: Hemavet 950, Drew Scientific.Plate Readers:;Victor Nivo 5F, Perkin Elmer;Luminometer: Centro XS, Berthold.Services:Cell Sorting (FACS);2-D gel electrophoresis/2D-DIGE;LC-MS/MS analysis of compounds; Cell immortilization.

Abbreviations: CSC

Synonyms: Cell Science Core

Resource Type: core facility, access service resource, service resource

Keywords: Cell, protein, small, molecules, analysis, culture, electrophoresis, 2D DIGE, LC-MS/MS, HPLC, FACS, immortalization, flow, cytometry, sorting, training, service, core,

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