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RRID:SCR_009460 RRID Copied      
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DTI Fiber Tract Statistics (RRID:SCR_009460)
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URL: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/dti_tract_stat/

Proper Citation: DTI Fiber Tract Statistics (RRID:SCR_009460)

Description: This is a command line tool which allows the user to study the behavior of water diffusion (using DTI data) along the length of the white matter fiber-tracts. Various tract-oriented scalar diffusion measures obtained from DTI brain images, are treated as a continuous function of white matter fibers'' arc-length. To analyze the trend along a given fiber tract, a command line tool performs kernel regression on this data. The idea is to try out different noise models and maximum likelihood estimates within kernel windows (along the tract), such that they best represent the data and are robust to noise and Partial Volume effect. The package contains several command line based modules and an GUI based tool called DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer to access most functions. The features available in the tool currently, its use and input / output formats and other relevant details are provided in the first draft of the documentation. (http://www.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Projects:dtistatisticsfibers).

Abbreviations: DTI Fiber Tract Statistics

Resource Type: image analysis software, software resource, software application, data processing software

Keywords: c, linux, magnetic resonance, posix/unix-like, regression, statistical operation, dti

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