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RRID:SCR_008896 RRID Copied      
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3DBar (RRID:SCR_008896)
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URL: http://www.3dbar.org

Proper Citation: 3DBar (RRID:SCR_008896)

Description: Software package for reconstructing three-dimensional models of brain structures from 2-D delineations using a customizable and reproducible workflow. 3dBAR also works as an on-line service (http://service.3dbar.org) offering a variety of functions for the hosted datasets: * downloading reconstructions of desired brain structures in predefined quality levels in various supported formats as well as created using customizable settings, * previewing models as bitmap thumbnails and (for webGL enabled browsers) interactive manipulation (zooming, rotating, etc.) of the structures, * downloading slides from available datasets as SVG drawings. 3dBAR service can also be used by other websites or applications to enhance their functionality. * Operating System: Linux * Programming Language: Python * Supported Data Format: NIfTI-1, Other Format, VRML

Abbreviations: 3dBAR

Synonyms: 3D BAR, 3d Brain Atlas Reconstructor

Resource Type: service resource, data or information resource, atlas, analysis service resource, production service resource, reference atlas, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22227717

Keywords: 3d, reconstruction, brain structure, brain, algorithm or reusable library, web service, atlas application, three dimensional display, spinal cord, sensory system, waxholm space

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