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RRID:SCR_008551 RRID Copied      
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Classifier Visualization in R (RRID:SCR_008551)
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URL: http://rocr.bioinf.mpi-sb.mpg.de/

Proper Citation: Classifier Visualization in R (RRID:SCR_008551)

Description: ROCR is a package for evaluating and visualizing the performance of scoring classifiers in the statistical language R. It features over 25 performance measures that can be freely combined to create two-dimensional performance curves. Standard methods for investigating trade-offs between specific performance measures are available within a uniform framework, including receiver operating characteristic (ROC) graphs, precision/recall plots, lift charts and cost curves. ROCR integrates tightly with R''s powerful graphics capabilities, thus allowing for highly adjustable plots. Being equipped with only three commands and reasonable default values for optional parameters, ROCR combines flexibility with ease of usage. Performance measures that ROCR knows: Accuracy, error rate, true positive rate, false positive rate, true negative rate, false negative rate, sensitivity, specificity, recall, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, precision, fallout, miss, phi correlation coefficient, Matthews correlation coefficient, mutual information, chi square statistic, odds ratio, lift value, precision/recall F measure, ROC convex hull, area under the ROC curve, precision/recall break-even point, calibration error, mean cross-entropy, root mean squared error, SAR measure, expected cost, explicit cost. ROCR features: ROC curves, precision/recall plots, lift charts, cost curves, custom curves by freely selecting one performance measure for the x axis and one for the y axis, handling of data from cross-validation or bootstrapping, curve averaging (vertically, horizontally, or by threshold), standard error bars, box plots, curves that are color-coded by cutoff, printing threshold values on the curve, tight integration with Rs plotting facilities (making it easy to adjust plots or to combine multiple plots), fully customizable, easy to use (only 3 commands). ROCR can be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Running within R, it is platform-independent.

Synonyms: ROCR: Classifier Visualization in R, ROCR

Resource Type: software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:16096348

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