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RRID:SCR_007345 RRID Copied      
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PhysioNet (RRID:SCR_007345)
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URL: http://www.physionet.org/

Proper Citation: PhysioNet (RRID:SCR_007345)

Description: Collection of dissemination and exchange recorded biomedical signals and open-source software for analyzing them. Provides facilities for cooperative analysis of data and evaluation of proposed new algorithm. Providies free electronic access to PhysioBank data and PhysioToolkit software. Offers service and training via on-line tutorials to assist users at entry and more advanced levels. In cooperation with annual Computing in Cardiology conference, PhysioNet hosts series of challenges, in which researchers and students address unsolved problems of clinical or basic scientific interest using data and software provided by PhysioNet. All data included in PhysioBank, and all software included in PhysioToolkit, are carefully reviewed. Researchers are further invited to contribute data and software for review and possible inclusion in PhysioBank and PhysioToolkit. Please review guidelines before submitting material.

Abbreviations: PhysioNet

Synonyms: Physionet: The Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals, PhysioNet, PhysioNet: The Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals

Resource Type: database, storage service resource, data or information resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, service resource, production service resource, data repository

Defining Citation: PMID:22256277, PMID:14716615, PMID:14632011, PMID:11446213, PMID:10851218

Keywords: physiologic, physiology, signal, software, research, biomedical, cardiopulmonary, neural, healthy, patient, cardiac, death, congestive heart failure, epilepsy, gait, disorder, sleep apnea, cardioogy, computation, physiologic signal, workspace, time series, FASEB list

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