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RRID:SCR_007127 RRID Copied      
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Mouse Brain Atlases (RRID:SCR_007127)
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URL: http://www.mbl.org/mbl_main/atlas.html

Proper Citation: Mouse Brain Atlases (RRID:SCR_007127)

Description: High-resolution electronic atlases for mouse strains c57bl/6j, a/j, and dba/2j in either coronal or horizontal section. About this Atlas: The anterior-posterior coordinates are taken from an excellent print atlas of a C57BL/6J brain by K. Franklin and G. Paxinos (The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Academic Press, San Diego, 1997, ISBN Number 0-12-26607-6; Library of Congress: QL937.F72). The abbreviations we have used to label the sections conform to those in the Franklin-Paxinos atlas. A C57BL/6J mouse brain may contain as many as 75 million neurons, 23 million glial cells, 7 million endothelial cells associated with blood vessels, and 3 to 4 million miscellaneous pial, ependymal, and choroid plexus cells (see data analysis in Williams, 2000). We have not yet counted total cell number in DBA/2J mice, but the counts are probably appreciably lower.The brain and sections were all processed as described in our methods section. The enlarged images have a pixel count of 1865 x 1400 and the resolution is 4.5 microns/pixel for the processed sections.Plans: In the next several years we hope to add several additional atlases of the same sort for other strains of mice. A horizontal C57BL/6J atlas and a DBA/2J coronal atlas were completed by Tony Capra, summer 2000, and additional atlases may be made over the next several years. As describe in the MBL Procedures Section is not hard to make your own strain-specific atlas from the high resolution images in the MBL.

Abbreviations: Mouse Brain Atlases

Resource Type: atlas, data or information resource

Keywords: genetics, anatomy, coronal, cerebellum, c57bl/6j, dba/2j, a/j, horizontal, morphology, subcortical, volume

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