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RRID:SCR_007028 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://www.ebire.org/hcnlab/software/vamca.html

Proper Citation: VAMCA (RRID:SCR_007028)

Description: A stand-alone, open source human cortical meta-analysis and visualization toolbox for MatLab. It projects stereotaxic coordinates to a mean cortical surface by using an anatomical database of 60 young adults to provide multiple mappings of normalized cortical surfaces into MNI space. VAMCA performs the following analyses: # Multi-Fiducial Projection Mapping: Map stereotaxic 3D coordinates to the normalized cortical location for each of 60 database subjects. # Computing Centroid Locations for groups of foci both on a mean cortical surface and in MNI space. # Comparing Two Groups of Foci for differences in location (surface or 3D) of their group centroids and computing the groups' overlap extent using permutation tests. # Detecting Significant Densities of Foci or Density Differences of Two Groups within anatomical ROIs on a mean cortical surface by using Monte Carlo analyses. Coordinate weights allow fixed or random effects type analyses.

Abbreviations: VAMCA

Synonyms: VAMCA: Visualization And Meta-analysis on Cortical Anatomy, VAMCA Cortical Meta-analysis Toolbox, Visualization And Meta-analysis on Cortical Anatomy

Resource Type: image analysis software, software application, software toolkit, data visualization, data processing software, software resource

Keywords: database application, linux, matlab, microsoft, magnetic resonance, posix/unix-like, visualization, windows, windows 95/98/2000, windows nt/2000, windows xp, mni, adult human

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