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Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (RRID:SCR_006576)
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URL: http://www.cochrane.org/editorial-and-publishing-policy-resource/cochrane-central-register-controlled-trials-central

Proper Citation: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (RRID:SCR_006576)

Description: A bibliographic database that provides a highly concentrated source of reports of randomized controlled trials. Records contain the list of authors, the title of the article, the source, volume, issue, page numbers, and, in many cases, a summary of the article (abstract). They do not contain the full text of the article. Cochrane Groups maintain and update Specialized Registers, which are collections of controlled trials relevant to the groups. CENTRAL is comprised of these Specialized Registers, relevant records retrieved from MEDLINE and EMBASE, and records retrieved through handsearching (planned manual searching of a journal or conference proceedings to identify all reports of randomized controlled trials and controlled clinical trials). The Cochrane Collaboration contracts a technology company, Metaxis, to merge the records from the sources outlined above and provide a data feed to the publisher. New and changed data are delivered to the publisher on a monthly basis.

Abbreviations: CENTRAL, CCRCT

Resource Type: clinical trial, data or information resource, database

Keywords: controlled trial, bibliography, register, randomized controlled trial, report, FASEB list

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