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Mouse Genome Informatics: The Gene Ontology Project (RRID:SCR_006447)
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URL: http://www.informatics.jax.org/mgihome/GO/project.shtml

Proper Citation: Mouse Genome Informatics: The Gene Ontology Project (RRID:SCR_006447)

Description: This resource is part of the Gene Ontology Consortium which seeks to provide controlled vocabularies for the description of the molecular function, biological process, and cellular component of gene products. These terms are to be used as attributes of gene products by collaborating databases, facilitating uniform queries across them. GO team members at MGI participate in ontology development, outreach, and functional curation of mouse gene products. The GO vocabularies have a hierarchical structure that permits a range of detail from high-level, broadly descriptive terms to very low level, highly specific terms. This broad range is useful both in annotating genes and in searching for gene information using these terms as search criteria. GO terms are defined, allowing all databases to use the terms consistently and properly. GO annotations in the databases additionally include the publication reference which allowed the association to be made and an evidence statement citing how the association was determined.

Synonyms: Gene Ontology (GO) Project, MGI: GO Project, Gene Ontology Project

Resource Type: data or information resource, controlled vocabulary, database

Keywords: function, gene, biological, cellular, component, molecular, process, product

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Gene Ontology

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Jackson Laboratory

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