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RRID:SCR_006136 RRID Copied      
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European Mouse Mutant Archive (RRID:SCR_006136)
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URL: https://www.infrafrontier.eu/emma/

Proper Citation: European Mouse Mutant Archive (RRID:SCR_006136)

Description: Non-profit repository for the collection, archiving (via cryopreservation) and distribution of relevant mutant strains essential for basic biomedical research. Users may browse by strain, gene, phenotype, or human disease. Its primary objective is to establish and manage a unified repository for maintaining medically relevant mouse mutants and making them available to the scientific community. Therefore, EMMA archives mutant strains and distributes them to requesting researchers. EMMA also hosts courses in cryopreservation, to promote the use and dissemination of frozen embryos and spermatozoa. Dissemination of knowledge is further fostered by a dedicated resource database. Anybody who wants their mutant mouse strains cryopreserved may deposit strains with EMMA. However depositors must be aware that these strains become freely available to other researchers after being deposited.With more than 8400 mutant mouse strains and asmall but increasing number of rat mutant strains available, EMMA is the primary mouse repository in Europe and the third largest non-profit repository worldwide.

Abbreviations: EMMA

Synonyms: European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA, European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA)

Resource Type: material resource, biomaterial supply resource, organism supplier

Defining Citation: PMID:19783817, PMID:17709347

Keywords: RIN, Resource Information Network, mutant mouse repository, mouse, mutant strain, mutant mouse strain,

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