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RRID:SCR_006093 RRID Copied      
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ProQuest (RRID:SCR_006093)
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URL: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/

Proper Citation: ProQuest (RRID:SCR_006093)

Description: Service that helps users navigate the research journey, connecting people and information from dissertations to governmental and cultural archives to news, in all its forms. Its role is essential to libraries and other organizations whose missions depend on the delivery of complete, trustworthy information. ProQuest''s massive information pool, built through partnerships with content creators, is navigated through technological innovations that enable users to quickly find just the right information. The ProQuest platform moves beyond navigation to empower researchers to use, create, and share contentaccelerating research productivity. The Summon web-scale discovery service is a boon to academic libraries worldwide. ProQuest expanded into corporate and government markets, with the ProQuest Dialog service and acquiring Congressional Information Services and University Publications of America. It acquired ebrary, expanding ProQuest''s content base to include e-books and adding to the technology expertise resident across the enterprise, which also includes such units as Serials Solutions, RefWorks-COS, and Bowker.

Abbreviations: ProQuest

Synonyms: ProQuest LLC

Resource Type: service resource, data or information resource, database

Keywords: library, dissertation, archive, news, information, culture, research, corporate, government, academia, e-book, publication, article

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