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RRID:SCR_005910 RRID Copied      
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Dryad Digital Repository (RRID:SCR_005910)
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URL: https://datadryad.org

Proper Citation: Dryad Digital Repository (RRID:SCR_005910)

Description: International, curated, digital repository that makes the data underlying scientific publications discoverable, freely reusable, and citable. Particularly data for which no specialized repository exists. Provides the infrastructure for, and promotes the re-use of, data underlying the scholarly literature. Governed by a nonprofit membership organization. Membership is open to any stakeholder organization, including but not limited to journals, scientific societies, publishers, research institutions, libraries, and funding organizations. Most data are associated with peer-reviewed articles, although data associated with non-peer reviewed publications from reputable academic sources, such as dissertations, are also accepted. Used to validate published findings, explore new analysis methodologies, repurpose data for research questions unanticipated by the original authors, and perform synthetic studies.UC system is member organization of Dryad general subject data repository.

Synonyms: , The Dryad Digital Repository, Dryad Digital Repository, Dryad

Resource Type: storage service resource, database, service resource, data or information resource, data repository

Keywords: international, digital, repository, curated, data, collection, scientific, medical, publication, dataset, FASEB list

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