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RRID:SCR_005828 RRID Copied      
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Blast2GO (RRID:SCR_005828)
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URL: http://www.blast2go.com/b2ghome

Proper Citation: Blast2GO (RRID:SCR_005828)

Description: An ALL in ONE tool for functional annotation of (novel) sequences and the analysis of annotation data. Blast2GO (B2G) joins in one universal application similarity search based GO annotation and functional analysis. B2G offers the possibility of direct statistical analysis on gene function information and visualization of relevant functional features on a highlighted GO direct acyclic graph (DAG). Furthermore B2G includes various statistics charts summarizing the results obtained at BLASTing, GO-mapping, annotation and enrichment analysis (Fisher''''s Exact Test). All analysis process steps are configurable and data import and export are supported at any stage. The application also accepts pre-existing BLAST or annotation files and takes them to subsequent steps. The tool offers a very suitable platform for high throughput functional genomics research in non-model species. B2G is a species-independent, intuitive and interactive desktop application which allows monitoring and comprehending the whole annotation and analysis process supported by additional features like GO Slim integration, evidence code (EC) consideration, a Batch-Mode or GO-Multilevel-Pies. Platform: Windows compatible, Mac OS X compatible, Linux compatible, Unix compatible

Abbreviations: B2G

Synonyms: Blast2GO (B2G)

Resource Type: software application, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:16081474

Keywords: annotation, visualization, analysis, functional genomics, editor, statistical analysis, slimmer-type tool, ontology or annotation editor, functional analysis, direct acyclic graph, analysis, high throughput, functional genomics

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Principe Felipe Research Centre; Valencia; Spain

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