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McConnell Brain Imaging Center MNI Macaque Atlas (RRID:SCR_005265)
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URL: http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/ServicesAtlases/Macaque

Proper Citation: McConnell Brain Imaging Center MNI Macaque Atlas (RRID:SCR_005265)

Description: A reference atlas of standard macaque monkey magnetic resonance images. The template brain volume that offers a common stereotaxic reference frame to localize anatomical and functional information in an organized and reliable way for comparison across individual macaque monkeys and studies. We have used MRI volumes from a group of 25 normal adult macaque monkeys (18 Macaca fascicularis, 7 Macaca mulatta) to create the individual atlas. Thus, the atlas does not rely on the anatomy of a single subject, but instead depends on nonlinear normalization of numerous macaque brains mapped to an average template image that is faithful to the location of anatomical structures. Tools for registering a native MRI to the MNI macaque atlas can be found in the Software section. Viewing the atlas and associated volumes online requires Java browser support. Additionally, you may download the atlas and associated files in your chosen format.

Synonyms: MNI Macaque Atlas, BIC MNI Macaque Atlas

Resource Type: atlas, reference atlas, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:21256229

Keywords: macaque, brain, early adult, template, atlas application, minc, minc2, magnetic resonance, nifti, mri

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