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Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (RRID:SCR_004505)
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URL: http://www.dvbic.org/

Proper Citation: Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (RRID:SCR_004505)

Description: The Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) is a congressionally mandated collaboration of the Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) health centers serving patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Its mission is to serve active duty military, their beneficiaries, and veterans with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) through state-of-the-art clinical care, innovative clinical research initiatives and educational programs. DVBIC fulfills this mission through ongoing collaboration with military, VA and civilian health partners, local communities, families and individuals with TBI. In 2008, DVBIC''s mission expanded to include Force Health Protection and Management. This encompasses the following Department of Defense (DoD) programs: * TBI Surveillance * TBI Registry * Pre-deployment neurocognitive testing * Family Caregiver Curriculum * 15 year longitudinal study of TBI * Independent study of automated neurocognitive tests DVBIC has been named the Office of Responsibility or Executive Agency for these programs. The DVBIC multi-site network includes a growing number of DoD and VA hospitals as well as civilian TBI rehabilitation programs. Each DVBIC site works collaboratively to provide and improve TBI care for active duty military, veterans and their eligible beneficiaries. DVBIC''s multi-center network design and collaborations with forward medical commands allows for clinical innovation along the entire continuum of care: from initial injury in the war zone through to medical evacuation, acute care, rehabilitation and ultimately a return to community, family, and work or continued duty when possible. WHAT WE DO * Develop and provide advanced TBI-specific evaluation, treatment and follow-up care for military personnel, their beneficiaries, and veterans with mild to severe TBIs * Conduct clinical research that defines optimal care and treatment for individuals with TBI * Develop and deliver effective educational materials and programming for the prevention, assessment and treatment of TBI including the management of its continuing effects. DVBIC is specifically committed to the effort to prevent, treat, and provide education on TBI for US military members currently on active duty, National Guard and reservists recently injured in the line of duty, their beneficiaries, and retired military personnel. * Oversee congressionally-mandated DoD TBI programs All of the above are done through innovative collaborations among the Armed Forces, VA, federal agencies, and coordinating academic institutions.

Abbreviations: DVBIC

Synonyms: Defense and Veterans Head Injury Program, DVHIP

Resource Type: disease-related portal, training material, narrative resource, research forum portal, data or information resource, portal, topical portal

Keywords: head injury, traumatic brain injury, clinical care, clinical research, longitudinal study, concussion, one mind tbi

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