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RRID:SCR_004374 RRID Copied      
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SO (RRID:SCR_004374)
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URL: http://sequenceontology.org/

Proper Citation: SO (RRID:SCR_004374)

Description: A collaborative ontology for the definition of sequence features used in biological sequence annotation. SO was initially developed by the Gene Ontology Consortium. Contributors to SO include the GMOD community, model organism database groups such as WormBase, FlyBase, Mouse Genome Informatics group, and institutes such as the Sanger Institute and the EBI. Input to SO is welcomed from the sequence annotation community. The OBO revision is available here: http://sourceforge.net/p/song/svn/HEAD/tree/ SO includes different kinds of features which can be located on the sequence. Biological features are those which are defined by their disposition to be involved in a biological process. Biomaterial features are those which are intended for use in an experiment such as aptamer and PCR_product. There are also experimental features which are the result of an experiment. SO also provides a rich set of attributes to describe these features such as polycistronic and maternally imprinted. The Sequence Ontologies use the OBO flat file format specification version 1.2, developed by the Gene Ontology Consortium. The ontology is also available in OWL from Open Biomedical Ontologies. This is updated nightly and may be slightly out of sync with the current obo file. An OWL version of the ontology is also available. The resolvable URI for the current version of SO is http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/so.owl.

Abbreviations: SO

Synonyms: Sequence Ontology Project, Sequence Types and Features Ontology, Sequence Ontology

Resource Type: controlled vocabulary, ontology, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:20796305, PMID:20226267, PMID:18629179, PMID:15892872

Keywords: annotation, sequence, biological sequence, sequence variation, genome, genome annotation, owl, FASEB list

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