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Pathosystems Resource Integration Center (RRID:SCR_004154)
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URL: http://www.patricbrc.org/portal/portal/patric/Home

Proper Citation: Pathosystems Resource Integration Center (RRID:SCR_004154)

Description: A Bioinformatics Resource Center bacterial bioinformatics database and analysis resource that provides researchers with an online resource that stores and integrates a variety of data types (e.g. genomics, transcriptomics, protein-protein interactions (PPIs), three-dimensional protein structures and sequence typing data) and associated metadata. Datatypes are summarized for individual genomes and across taxonomic levels. All genomes, currently more than 10 000, are consistently annotated using RAST, the Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology. Summaries of different data types are also provided for individual genes, where comparisons of different annotations are available, and also include available transcriptomic data. PATRIC provides a variety of ways for researchers to find data of interest and a private workspace where they can store both genomic and gene associations, and their own private data. Both private and public data can be analyzed together using a suite of tools to perform comparative genomic or transcriptomic analysis. PATRIC also includes integrated information related to disease and PPIs. The PATRIC project includes three primary collaborators: the University of Chicago, the University of Manchester, and New City Media. The University of Chicago is providing genome annotations and a PATRIC end-user genome annotation service using their Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST) system. The National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) at the University of Manchester is providing literature-based text mining capability and service. New City Media is providing assistance in website interface development. An FTP server and download tool are available.

Abbreviations: PATRIC

Synonyms: PathoSystems Resource Integration Center, PATRIC, Pathosystems Resource Integration Center

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, bioinformatics resource center, production service resource, database, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:24225323, PMID:17142235

Keywords: genomics, genome, transcriptomics, protein-protein interaction, sequence typing, proteobacteria, brucella, rickettsia, coxiella, coronavirus, calicivirus, lyssavirus, virus, hepatitis a, hepatitis e, pathway, proteome, metabolic pathway, drug, vaccine, diagnostics, FASEB list

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