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RRID:SCR_003527 RRID Copied      
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MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (RRID:SCR_003527)
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URL: http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/

Proper Citation: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (RRID:SCR_003527)

Description: The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) has long been, and remains, a world-class research laboratory. Our primary goal is to understand biological processes at the molecular level, through the application of methods drawn from physics, chemistry and genetics. This quest extends from structural studies of individual macromolecules, through their interactions and beyond to the functioning of subcellular systems, cells and multicellular systems in whole organisms, with the ultimate aim of using this knowledge to tackle specific problems in human health and disease. The LMB is one of the birthplaces of modern molecular biology. Many techniques were pioneered at the laboratory, most notably methods for determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins and DNA sequencing. Whole genome sequencing was initiated at the LMB. Another landmark discovery was the invention of monoclonal antibodies. Over the years, the work of LMB scientists has attracted 9 Nobel Prizes, shared between 13 LMB scientists, as well as numerous other prizes and scientific awards.

Abbreviations: LMB

Resource Type: institution

Keywords: FASEB list

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