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RRID:SCR_003490 RRID Copied      
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MGH-USC Human Connectome Project (RRID:SCR_003490)
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URL: http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/

Proper Citation: MGH-USC Human Connectome Project (RRID:SCR_003490)

Description: A multi-center project comprising two distinct consortia (Mass. Gen. Hosp. and USC; and Wash. U. and the U. of Minn.) seeking to map white matter fiber pathways in the human brain using leading edge neuroimaging methods, genomics, architectonics, mathematical approaches, informatics, and interactive visualization. The mapping of the complete structural and functional neural connections in vivo within and across individuals provides unparalleled compilation of neural data, an interface to graphically navigate this data and the opportunity to achieve conclusions about the living human brain. The HCP is being developed to employ advanced neuroimaging methods, and to construct an extensive informatics infrastructure to link these data and connectivity models to detailed phenomic and genomic data, building upon existing multidisciplinary and collaborative efforts currently underway. Working with other HCP partners based at Washington University in St. Louis they will provide rich data, essential imaging protocols, and sophisticated connectivity analysis tools for the neuroscience community. This project is working to achieve the following: 1) develop sophisticated tools to process high-angular diffusion (HARDI) and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) from normal individuals to provide the foundation for the detailed mapping of the human connectome; 2) optimize advanced high-field imaging technologies and neurocognitive tests to map the human connectome; 3) collect connectomic, behavioral, and genotype data using optimized methods in a representative sample of normal subjects; 4) design and deploy a robust, web-based informatics infrastructure, 5) develop and disseminate data acquisition and analysis, educational, and training outreach materials.

Abbreviations: MGH/UCLA HCP

Synonyms: Harvard/MGH-UCLA Human Connectome Project, Harvard/MGH-UCLA Consortium: Human Connectome Project, HCP Harvard/MGH-UCLA, MGH/UCLA Consortium: Human Connectome Project

Resource Type: instrument manufacture, material service resource, production service resource, data or information resource, service resource, portal

Keywords: human, structural, functional, neural, white matter, fiber, brain, in vivo, genomic, neuroimaging, visualization, neuroanatomy, genotype, connectivity, connectivity model, neural pathway, phenomic, connectomics, quantification, scanner, eeg, meg, shape analysis, spatial transformation, diffusion spectrum, q-ball, tensor metric, fiber tracking, connectome, behavior, scanner, web resource, diffusion spectrum, q-ball, tensor metric, quantification, shape analysis, spatial transformation, fiber tracking, FASEB list

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