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3D Ribosomal Modification Maps Database (RRID:SCR_003097)
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URL: http://people.biochem.umass.edu/fournierlab/3dmodmap/

Proper Citation: 3D Ribosomal Modification Maps Database (RRID:SCR_003097)

Description: Database of maps showing the sites of modified rRNA nucleotides. Access to the rRNA sequences, secondary structures both with modification sites indicated, 3D modification maps and the supporting tables of equivalent nucleotides for rRNA from model organisms including yeast, arabidopsis, e. coli and human is provided. This database complements the Yeast snoRNA Database at UMass-Amherst and relies on linking to some content from that database, as well as to others by colleagues in related fields. Therefore, please be very cognizant as to the source when citing information obtained herein. Locations of modified rRNA nucleotides within the 3D structure of the ribosome.

Abbreviations: 3D rRNA modification maps

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:17947322

Keywords: human, plant, arabidopsis, ribosome, eukaryote, eubacteria, archaea, eukarya

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