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RRID:SCR_002789 RRID Copied      
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Dana Foundation (RRID:SCR_002789)
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URL: http://www.dana.org

Proper Citation: Dana Foundation (RRID:SCR_002789)

Description: A private philanthropy with principal interests in brain science, immunology, and education. The portal provides general information about the brain and current brain research, links to validated sites related brain disorders, education resources and lesson plans, and support for the training of in-school arts specialists. The Dana Foundation science and health grants support brain research in neuroscience and immunology and their interrelationship in human health and disease. The grant sections include brain and immuno-imaging, clinical neuroscience research, human immunology and neuroimmunology. The Foundation also occasionally sponsors workshops and forums for working scientists, as well as offering funding for selected young researchers to continue their education or to attend seminars and workshops elsewhere.

Synonyms: The Dana Foundation

Resource Type: training service resource, outreach program, training material, narrative resource, podcast, journal article, blog, service resource, data or information resource, book, training resource, funding resource

Keywords: education, foundation, funding resource, human brain, clinical, development, disease, disorder, grant, neruroimmunology, neuroethics, neuroscience, philanthropy, podcast, research

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Dana Foundation: BrainWeb

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