URL: http://sumsdb.wustl.edu/sums/
Proper Citation: SumsDB (RRID:SCR_002759)
Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE, documented on May 11, 2016. Repository of brain-mapping data (surfaces and volumes; structural and functional data) derived from studies including fMRI and MRI from many laboratories, providing convenient access to a growing body of neuroimaging and related data. WebCaret is an online visualization tool for viewing SumsDB datasets. SumsDB includes: * data on cerebral cortex and cerebellar cortex * individual subject data and population data mapped to atlases * data from FreeSurfer and other brainmapping software besides Caret SumsDB provides multiple levels of data access and security: * Free (public) access (e.g., for data associated with published studies) * Data access restricted to collaborators in different laboratories * Owner-only access for work in progress Data can be downloaded from SumsDB as individual files or as bundles archived for offline visualization and analysis in Caret WebCaret provides online Caret-style visualization while circumventing software and data downloads. It is a server-side application running on a linux cluster at Washington University. WebCaret "scenes" facilitate rapid visualization of complex combinations of data Bi-directional links between online publications and WebCaret/SumsDB provide: * Links from figures in online journal article to corresponding scenes in WebCaret * Links from metadata in WebCaret directly to relevant online publications and figures
Abbreviations: SumsDB, WebCaret
Synonyms: SumsDB WebCaret, SumsDB Database, Web Caret, WebCaret Online Visualization, Surface Management System Database and WebCaret Online Visualization, SumsDB and WebCaret, Sums database, SumsDB (Surface Management System Database) and WebCaret Online Visualization, Sums DB, SumsDB (Surface Management System Database) WebCaret Online Visualization, Surface Management System Database
Resource Type: production service resource, database, atlas, data repository, image repository, analysis service resource, data or information resource, storage service resource, data analysis service, service resource
Keywords: segmentation, volume, neuroimaging, brain, fmri, stereotaxic foci, stereotaxic coordinate, brain-mapping, foci, structural mri, mri, cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, afni brik, analyze, atlas, nifti, registration, rendering, spatial transformation, surface analysis, surface rendering, visualization, volume rendering, brain mapping, neuroanatomy
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Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis; Missouri; USA |
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