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RRID:SCR_002591 RRID Copied      
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Segmentation Validation Engine (RRID:SCR_002591)
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URL: http://sve.bmap.ucla.edu/

Proper Citation: Segmentation Validation Engine (RRID:SCR_002591)

Description: An automated online framework for performing validation studies of skull-stripping methods. Registered users may download 40 T1 MRI volumes, skull-strip them with the algorithm of their choice, and upload their segmentation results to the SVE website. The server will then compare the 40 skull-stripped results against a set of manually generated brain masks. The server computes a series of measures for the uploaded data, including Jaccard and Dice measures. It also produces images for visualizing the spatial location of the segmentation errors relative to a common space. The results are archived on the server, and the measures are viewable by visitors to the site.

Abbreviations: SVE

Resource Type: analysis service resource, software resource, production service resource, service resource, software application, data analysis service

Defining Citation: PMID:19073267

Keywords: analyze, dice coefficient, information resource, loni/sve terms of use, magnetic resonance, nifti, os independent, other/proprietary license, overlap metrics, quality metrics, quantification, segmentation, tanomoto coefficient, web environment, web resource, web service, mri

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