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Brain lesion segmentation tool using SVM (RRID:SCR_002583)
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URL: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/wmls/

Proper Citation: Brain lesion segmentation tool using SVM (RRID:SCR_002583)

Description: Segmentation tool that uses image analysis and machine learning techniques (Support Vector Machines). Image intensities from multiple MR acquisition protocols, after coregistration, are used to form a voxel-wise attribute vector which is used to perform the segmentation. Computer algorithms have started to complement expert-readings of MRI as they may improve throughput and consistency, in addition to providing more accurate quantitative measures of lesion type and volume. Computerized segmentation methods can also offer more precise measurements of longitudinal change of a lesion with disease progression or treatment response.

Abbreviations: Brain lesion segmentation tool using SVM

Synonyms: Brain lesion segmentation tool using Support Vector Machines

Resource Type: software resource, software application, image analysis software, data processing software, segmentation software

Defining Citation: PMID:23303595

Keywords: magnetic resonance, brain lesion, image analysis, machine learning, support vector machine

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