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Multi-Modal MRI Reproducibility Resource (RRID:SCR_002442)
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URL: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/multimodal/

Proper Citation: Multi-Modal MRI Reproducibility Resource (RRID:SCR_002442)

Description: Scan-rescan imaging sessions on 21 healthy volunteers (no history of neurological disease) intended to be a resource for statisticians and imaging scientists to be able to quantify the reproducibility of their imaging methods using data available from a generic 1 hour session at 3T. Imaging modalities include MPRAGE, FLAIR, DTI, resting state fMRI, B0 and B1 field maps, ASL, VASO, quantitative T1 mapping, quantitative T2 mapping, and magnetization transfer imaging. All data have been converted to NIFTI format. Please cite: Bennett. A. Landman, Alan J. Huang, Aliya Gifford, Deepti S. Vikram, Issel Anne L. Lim, Jonathan A.D. Farrell, John A. Bogovic, Jun Hua, Min Chen, Samson Jarso, Seth A. Smith, Suresh Joel, Susumu Mori, James J. Pekar, Peter B. Barker, Jerry L. Prince, and Peter C.M. van Zijl. ?Multi-Parametric Neuroimaging Reproducibility: A 3T Resource Study?, NeuroImage. (2010) NIHMS/PMC:252138 doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.11.047

Abbreviations: Multi-Modal MRI Reproducibility Resource

Resource Type: data or information resource, image collection

Defining Citation: PMID:21094686

Keywords: java image science toolkit, magnetic resonance, nifti, neuroimaging, reproducibility, mprage, flair, dti, resting state fmri, b0 field map, b1 field map, asl, vaso, quantitative t1 mapping, quantitative t2 mapping, magnetization transfer imaging

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