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RRID:SCR_002437 RRID Copied      
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EcoGene (RRID:SCR_002437)
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URL: http://ecogene.org/

Proper Citation: EcoGene (RRID:SCR_002437)

Description: Database that contains updated information about the Escherichia coli K-12 genome and proteome sequences, including extensive gene bibliographies. Users are able to download customized tables, perform Boolean query comparisons, generate sets of paired DNA sequences, and download any E. coli K-12 genomic DNA sub-sequence. BLAST functions, microarray data, an alphabetical index of genes, and gene overlap queries are also available. The Database Table Downloads Page provides a full list of EG numbers cross-referenced to the new cross-database ECK numbers and other common accession numbers, as well as gene names and synonyms. Monthly release archival downloads are available, but the live, daily updated version of EcoGene is the default mysql database for download queries.

Abbreviations: ECK, ECOGENE, ECOGENE G

Synonyms: EcoGene Database of Escherichia coli Sequence and Function

Resource Type: database, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:23197660, PMID:10592181

Keywords: life sciences, genomics, proteomics, gene, gene expression, genetics, protein, protein binding, protein-protein interaction, membrane, rna, dna, structure, function, functional annotation, annotation, blast, FASEB list

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University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Florida; USA

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