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MS lesion segmentation challenge 2008 (RRID:SCR_002425)
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URL: http://www.nitrc.org/projects/msseg

Proper Citation: MS lesion segmentation challenge 2008 (RRID:SCR_002425)

Description: Training material for the MS lesion segmentation challenge 2008 to compare different algorithms to segment the MS lesions from brain MRI scans. Data used for the workshop is composed of 54 brain MRI images and represents a range of patients and pathology which was acquired from Children's Hospital Boston and University of North Carolian. Data has initially been randomized into three groups: 20 training MRI images, 24 testing images for the qualifying and 8 for the onsite contest at the 2008 workshop. The downloadable online database consists now of the training images (including reference segmentations) and all the 32 combined testing images (without segmentations). The naming has not been changed in comparison to the workshop compeition in order to allow easy comparison between the workshop papers and the online database papers. One dataset has been removed (UNC_test1_Case02) due to considerable motion present only in its T2 image (without motion artifacts in T1 and FLAIR). Such a dataset unfairly penalizes methods that use T2 images versus methods that don't use the T2 image. Currently all cases have been segmented by expert raters at each institution. They have significant intersite variablility in segmentation. MS lesion MRI image data for this competition was acquired seperately by Children's Hospital Boston and University of North Carolina. UNC cases were acquired on Siemens 3T Allegra MRI scanner with slice thickness of 1mm and in-plane resolution of 0.5mm. To ease the segmentation process all data has been rigidly registered to a common reference frame and resliced to isotrophic voxel spacing using b-spline based interpolation. Pre-processed data is stored in NRRD format containing an ASCII readable header and a separate uncompressed raw image data file. This format is ITK compatible. If you want to join the competition, you can download data set from links here, and submit your segmentation results at http://www.ia.unc.edu/MSseg after registering your team. They require team name, password, and email address for future contact. Once experiment is completed, you can submit the segmentation data in a zip file format. Please refer submission page for uploading data format.

Abbreviations: MS Lesion Segmentation 08

Synonyms: 2008 MICCAI MS Lesion Segmentation Challenge

Resource Type: training material, narrative resource, data set, data or information resource

Keywords: magnetic resonance, competition, challenge, segmentation, segment, ms lesion, brain, mri scan, mri, image collection

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