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RRID:SCR_002390 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://www.med.unc.edu/bric/ideagroup/free-softwares/hammer

Proper Citation: GLIRT (RRID:SCR_002390)

Description: Software for both groupwise registration and longitudinal registration, which are the necessary steps for many brain-related applications. Specifically, groupwise registration is important for unbiased analysis of a large set of MR brain images. Therefore, in this software package, they have included two of their recently-developed groupwise registration algorithms: 1) Improved unbiased groupwise registration guided with the sharp group-mean image, and 2) Hierarchical feature-based groupwise registration with implicit template (Groupwise-HAMMER for short). On the other hand, they also included their recently-developed groupwise longitudinal registration algorithm that aligns not only the longitudinal image sequence for each subject, but also align all longitudinal image sequences of all subjects to the common space simultaneously.

Abbreviations: GLIRT

Synonyms: Groupwise and Longitudinal Image Registration Toolbox

Resource Type: image analysis software, software application, data processing software, software resource, registration software

Keywords: analyze, application, c++, image-to-image, intersubject, linux, microsoft, motion analysis, magnetic resonance, posix/unix-like, registration, software, spatial transformation, temporal transformation, win32 (ms windows), windows

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