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RRID:SCR_002220 RRID Copied      
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National Snow and Ice Data Center (RRID:SCR_002220)
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URL: http://nsidc.org/

Proper Citation: National Snow and Ice Data Center (RRID:SCR_002220)

Description: National data center / repository for snow and ice data including snow, ice, glaciers, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up Earth's cryosphere. The center manages and distributes scientific data, creates tools for data access, supports data users, performs scientific research, and educates the public about the cryosphere. Users may explore the Earth's frozen places in the collection of photographs and images. Photographs from field research trips, images captured by satellites of the changing cryosphere, and photos and images are available. Data sets are organized into the following groups: sea ice, frozen ground, snow cover, snow hydrology, glaciers and ice sheets, arctic people.

Abbreviations: NSIDC

Synonyms: National Snow & Ice Data Center

Resource Type: image collection, storage service resource, database, service resource, data or information resource, data repository

Defining Citation: PMID:32116128

Keywords: polar, snow, ice, climate, photo, visualization, sea ice, arctic, meteorology, frozen, antarctica, arctic region, sea ice, satellite, ice sheet, global warming, glacier, frozen ground, cryosphere, climatology, arctic people, snow cover, snow hydrology, catalog, data set, interaction, FASEB list

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University of Colorado Boulder; Colorado; USA

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Antarctic Glaciological Data Center

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