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RRID:SCR_002143 RRID Copied      
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AmiGO (RRID:SCR_002143)
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URL: http://amigo.geneontology.org/

Proper Citation: AmiGO (RRID:SCR_002143)

Description: Web tool to search, sort, analyze, visualize and download data of interest. Along with providing details of the ontologies, gene products and annotations, features a BLAST search, Term Enrichment and GO Slimmer tools, the GO Online SQL Environment and a user help guide.Used at the Gene Ontology (GO) website to access the data provided by the GO Consortium. Developed and maintained by the GO Consortium.

Abbreviations: AmiGO

Synonyms: GO Consortium, AmiGO, AmiGO 2, AmiGene Ontology, Gene Ontology Database, Gene Ontology Consortium, GO Database, The Gene Ontology Consortium

Resource Type: data or information resource, data analysis service, service resource, analysis service resource, database, production service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:19033274

Keywords: search, sort, analyze, visualize, data, ontology, gene, annotation, FASEB list

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