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RRID:SCR_001922 RRID Copied      
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Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (RRID:SCR_001922)
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URL: http://www.loni.usc.edu/

Proper Citation: Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (RRID:SCR_001922)

Description: Biomedical technology resource center specializing in novel approaches and tools for neuroimaging. It develops novel strategies to investigate brain structure and function in their full multidimensional complexity. There is a rapidly growing need for brain models comprehensive enough to represent brain structure and function as they change across time in large populations, in different disease states, across imaging modalities, across age and sex, and even across species. International networks of collaborators are provided with a diverse array of tools to create, analyze, visualize, and interact with models of the brain. A major focus of these collaborations is to develop four-dimensional brain models that track and analyze complex patterns of dynamically changing brain structure in development and disease, expanding investigations of brain structure-function relations to four dimensions.

Abbreviations: LONI

Synonyms: UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, Laboratory of Neuroimaging, UCLA LONI, USC Laboratory of Neuro Imaging

Resource Type: biomedical technology resource center, training resource

Keywords: anatomic, animal, brain, brain function, brain structure, cerebral metabolism, human, mapping, neurobiological, software, neuroimaging, fmri, mri, neuroimaging, software, brain mapping, computational software, magnetic resonance

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