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RRID:SCR_001748 RRID Copied      
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Animal QTLdb (RRID:SCR_001748)
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URL: http://www.animalgenome.org/cgi-bin/QTLdb/index

Proper Citation: Animal QTLdb (RRID:SCR_001748)

Description: Database of trait mapping data, i.e. QTL (phenotype / expression, eQTL), candidate gene and association data (GWAS) and copy number variations (CNV) mapped to livestock animal genomes, to facilitate locating and comparing discoveries within and between species. New data and database tools are continually developed to align various trait mapping data to map-based genome features, such as annotated genes. QTLdb is open to house QTL/association date from other animal species where feasible. Most scientific journals require that any original QTL/association data be deposited into public databases before paper may be accepted for publication. User curator accounts are provided for direct data deposit. Users can download QTLdb data from each species or individual chromosome.

Abbreviations: Animal QTLdb

Synonyms: Animal QTL database, Animal Quantitative Trait Loci database, AnimalQTLdb, Animal Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) database

Resource Type: data or information resource, service resource, data repository, database, storage service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:23180796, PMID:17245610

Keywords: chromosome, comparative genomics, dna sequence, genome, livestock, quantitative trait locus, non-human animal, structural genomics, single-nucleotide polymorphism, gene association, genomics, trait, copy number variation, trait, phenotype, expression, eqtl, genome wide association study, candidate gene, genotype

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