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RRID:SCR_001645 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://www.tortoisedti.org

Proper Citation: TORTOISE (RRID:SCR_001645)

Description: An integrated and flexible software package for processing of DTI data, and in general for the correction of diffusion weighted images to be used for DTI and potentially for high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) analysis. It can be run on both Linux and Mac platforms. It is composed of two modules named DIFF PREP and DIFF CALC. * DIFF_PREP - software for image resampling, motion, eddy current distortion and susceptibility induced EPI distortion corrections, and for re-orientation of data to a common space * DIFF_CALC - software for tensor fitting, error analysis, color map visualization and ROI analysis In addition, TORTOISE contains additional Utilities, such as a tool for the analysis of multi-center phantom data.

Abbreviations: TORTOISE

Synonyms: Tolerably Obsessive Registration and Tensor Optimization Indolent Software Ensemble

Resource Type: software application, software resource, image analysis software, image processing software, data processing software

Keywords: diffusion mri, dti, image motion correction, distortion correction, tensor computation, visualization, analysis, tensor fitting, modeling, magnetic resonance, tensor metric

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